Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Latest Drama Surrounding Casey Anthony’s Bankruptcy Filing- Anthony Agrees to pay $25K to settle life story rights

Recent documents show that Casey Anthony has reportedly agreed to pay $25,000 to settle a dispute in her bankruptcy case involving the rights to sell her life story. In March, trustee Stephen Meininger filed a motion seeking permission to sell ‘the exclusive worldwide rights of Anthony’s life story.’ He claims her story is property and an asset that could be sold to pay the more than $790,000 debt she owes others. Anthony’s bankruptcy attorneys are of course opposed to the motion.

Meininger says Anthony has a right to commercialize her story, which became property of the bankruptcy estate when she filed. Anthony, however, “adamantly opposes” the concept that her story is property that can be commercialized.

The parties agree the concept of selling the “alleged property interest is novel and has not been addressed by any case law that the parties have been able to discover.”

According to the filing, both parties agree the $25,000 settlement is in the best interest of the creditors in the case, and such an agreement will avoid long-term litigation. The bankruptcy judge has not issued an order on the joint request. However, the bigger question is, ‘How is Anthony going to obtain the $25,000?’

Click here to read more on the latest drama surrounding Casey Anthony’s bankruptcy filing.

If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at

Bankruptcy Law, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Marriage & Taxes: What Newlyweds Should Know

Below are five basic tax tips for newlyweds…

1.) Most couples derive a greater benefit by filing their taxes jointly. However, the combination of both taxable incomes can put you in a larger tax bracket, which you need to be prepared for. Using the previous year’s tax returns will help determine the coming year’s outcome. This is particularly important if one of the parties has been filing as ‘Head of the Household’ including dependants and enjoying the ‘Earned Income Tax Credit.’

2.) You may find that you are now able to itemize deductions instead of taking the standard deduction. If this is the case, it is essential that you begin tracking the following expenses in order to maximize deductions:
– Vehicle registration fees
– Property taxes
– Mortgage interest
– Medical expenses
– Cash and noncash charitable contributions
– Financial management and advisory fees
– Cost of tax prep software
– Tax planning and preparation fees

3.) If your liability will be greater as a married couple and you work for W2 wages, file a new Form W4 with your employer to take fewer exemptions. This will decrease your take home pay, but will save you from receiving a nasty surprise next April 15th.

4.) If you change your name, be sure to contact your local Social Security Administration office and get a new social security card. You will need to set an appointment and present your marriage certificate and birth certificate to get your new social security card.

5.) If you were not previously living together, you should update this information with your employer to make sure you receive your W2 from at the correct address in January. You will also need to inform the IRS of your address change.

Click here to read more on tax tips for newlyweds.
If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at

Bankruptcy Law, Foreclosures, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Owner of Former Versace Mansion Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

The luxurious villa on South Beach, formerly known as the Versace mansion may be taken over by a court-appointed trustee after its owner, Casa Casuarina LLC, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. For the past three years, the mansion has been tied up in all sorts of lawsuits.

The mansion currently faces foreclosure by a company owned by the Nakash family of Jordache jeans fame. New allegations were filed this week that the property went uninsured for a period of time and currently has only $6 million in coverage with little security on site. Its value is estimated at more than $20 million; realtors have it listed for sale at $75 million.

Click here to read more on the Versace Mansion Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Sinbad Latest Celebrity to File for Bankruptcy

Failing to pay your taxes is no laughing matter for 90’s comedian and actor, Sinbad. Recent bankruptcy filings report that he owes $375 thousand to American Express, $32 thousand to Bank of America, $2.3 million to the state of California and $8.3 million to the IRS. His total debts top $10.99 million and his total assets amount to just $130 thousand.

The government debts represent taxes owed from the years 1998 to 2006 and then again from 2009 to 2012. He reports his monthly income at $16,000 and he lists the following significant assets: A 2010 Ford F150, a 2010 Lincoln Navigator and a 2007 BMW 750i.

In Sinbad’s case, since he is filing Chapter 13 and has a monthly income of $16,000, it’s unlikely that a judge will wipe his tax debts away. The most likely scenario is that a judge will decide to garnish a significant portion of his wages indefinitely.

His money troubles first came to light in 2009, when California publicly listed him as one of the top 10 worst tax delinquents in the state. At the time, it was reported he owed $2.5 million in back taxes, interest and penalties. He attempted to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in December 2009, but his case was rejected after he failed to file the proper paperwork.

Click here to read more on the latest celebrity to file bankruptcy.

If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Regain your Independence- Financially!

Financial freedom and independence from debt is a powerful thing. But if you are struggling on a daily basis with insurmountable debt and harassment from creditors you may be feeling less than ‘independent’ today. Many Americans face financial oppression, unable to pay their obligations, not because they do not want to, but because they have been victim to the economic downturn, having lost their job, recently became divorced or accumulated a large amount of medical debt from circumstances outside of their control.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy creates the best financial circumstance from a debt management perspective, because it erases your debt. You are no longer responsible for debt repayment and your creditors will be required by law to stop contacting you. If your credit score has suffered as a result of multiple missed payments, declaring bankruptcy may even help your credit score. Once you declare bankruptcy, your balances and records of unpaid debt are removed. All of these debts will be marked as being included in bankruptcy. You will now be able to start from scratch and given the opportunity to rebuild your credit.

As a citizen of the United States, you have the right to file bankruptcy. Do not allow the ‘bankruptcy stigma’, largely created by creditors stop you from considering bankruptcy as an option. Bankruptcy laws are designed to protect consumers, giving them the ability to come out with a clean slate, wipe out their debt and regain financial freedom.

If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

How to Manage Multiple Sources of Debt

Taking on multiple sources of debt is a balancing act and it’s easy to become overwhelmed. The first thing you should do when considering taking out another loan is to determine your total monthly payments for current outstanding debt and the amount you are looking to borrow. Next, figure what percentage of your monthly income will go towards paying off that debt.

It is recommended that no more than 30% of your take-home pay go toward housing costs and no more than 20% go toward servicing other debt, such as car loans and credit cards. If you exceed these percentages, you could find yourself easily overwhelmed with debt.

Before taking out another loan, experts suggest having a repayment plan in place. Some borrowers find it motivating to pay extra towards the smallest loan in order to quickly eliminate it. If you already have a car loan or credit card payments, before taking on additional debt, you may want to consider refinancing the loan or getting a lower interest rate balance transfer credit card. You can then pay down the principle of the higher rate credit card faster if you transfer the balance to a lower interest rate credit card, provided you continue to make the same monthly payment.

Click here to read more on how to manage multiple sources of debt.

If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Last Minute College Savings Tips for Parents

For parents with kids heading off to college in the next few years, it’s not too late to implement these last minute savings tips.

1.) Compromise on School. Parents and children should have open and honest conversations and make their school choice based on learning needs and career ambitions, not name recognition.

2.) Take Advantage of Government Loans. Every family should take advantage of government education loans. According to Bill Harris, founder of online wealth management company Personal Capital, there is no “means testing” with the Stafford Loan, which means a family making $200,000 and one making $40,000 are both eligible.

3.) Invest in a 529-College Savings Plan. The earlier parents start funding a 529-college savings plan, which is a tax advantaged way to save for the college, the better, but it’s never too late to start. Many states give tax deductions for contributing to a 529-plan.

4.) Take advantage of American Opportunity Tax Credit. Families with an overall income under $160,000 per year, or $80,000 for single filers, can qualify for a tax credit of up to $2,500 during the first four years of a child’s college education. This tax credit includes expenses for things like books, supplies and equipment that aren’t necessarily paid to the college or university.

5.) Move Assets out of a Child’s Name. Many parents open savings accounts in their children’s name, which is a great way to build a nest egg, but it can have a negative impact when it comes to paying for college. When determining eligibility for federal financial aid, 20% of any assets under the child’s name will count against him or her in the amount of aid offered.

6.) Explore Alternative Loan Types. Most private loans from a bank of credit union have higher costs and higher rates of interest. Instead, consider peer-to-peer lenders to see if they offer a lower fixed rate and always check with the financial aid department at your college to see what kind of tuition assistance is offered.

Click here to read more on last minute college savings tips for parents.

If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Financial Problems Ahead: 5 Warning Signs that will not Show up on your Credit Report

It is important to keep your credit score high. A good credit score can earn you low mortgage and refinancing rates, more negotiating power and increased credit limits. But even financial behaviors that do not directly affect your credit score can be a red flag that you are headed towards serious financial problems.

Here are five red flags that will not show up on your credit report:

1.)Taking out payday loans. Resist the urge to take out a payday loan. This can be toxic to your finances and a red flag that you are off track financially. You should resist the temptation no matter how tough your situation seems because the high interest rates and payment terms typically put people even further in debt.

2.) Fighting with your spouse about money. People often ignore this sign because they think it is a sign of marital issues, not financial issues. But arguing about money typically means that you are not on the same page with your spouse on financial issues. The deeper you get into financial trouble, the more people find themselves fighting with their spouse about how to spend money and how to get out of debt.

3.) Paying household bills with your home equity loan or line of credit. While paying your household bills with home equity money will not show up on your credit report, it is typically a sign that you are running out of options to pay your bills. ‘Revolving debt is unsecured, so it is very risky to borrow against a secured loan, such as your mortgage.’

4.) Bouncing Checks. If you are routinely overdrawing your bank account or bouncing checks, then you are most likely either not able to manage your finances or are in serious debt. While bouncing checks does not directly show up on your credit report, overdrawn accounts can result in a negative check writing history report.

5.) Tapping into your retirement fund. In addition to the early withdrawal penalties, you are costing yourself the compound interest you would have earned by leaving the money in the account.

Click here to read more on the 5 warning signs that you could be headed toward financial hardship.

If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Financial Steps to Take before Walking down the Aisle

The month of June continues to be regarded as the most popular month for tying the knot. With that being said, there are important steps you need to take before walking down the aisle in order to avoid fighting over finances. Couples need to first understand each other’s attitudes and concerns about money and then concentrate on the strategies and tools they will use to organize their financial affairs.

1.) Have a pre-wedding financial discussion: Share past money management experiences, and be honest. Discuss where you want to be financially in five, 10, and 20 years and express any fears you might have associated with money and brainstorm ways those fears could be alleviated.
2.) List your financial goals: this is a way to find out what is important to each of you. Rank the items on the list according to importance so that when the lists are compared and consolidated it will be easier to concentrate on the most important issues.
3.) Make a monthly budget: Many people cringe when they hear the word budget, but keep in mind you do not have to deny yourselves the things you love, just work them into the budget.

Money problems are one of the most significant factors that can lead to divorce.

Click here to read more on the financial steps you need to take before walking down the aisle.

If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at

Bankruptcy Law, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Will my 401(K) be Safe if I file for Bankruptcy?

Yes, your 401(K) is safe from bankruptcy. But it is only protected as long as it remains in your 401(K) account. Taking money out of your 401(k) or any retirement account prior to filing bankruptcy converts the funds from a protected to an unprotected asset, taking them from a retirement nest egg to money being used for daily expenses. Funds in checking accounts, savings accounts and other nonretirement investment accounts do not receive the same protections as retirement funds.

Click here to read more on whether your 401(K) and other retirement assets will be safe after filing for bankruptcy.

If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced Miami bankruptcy attorney who can advise you of all of your options. As an experienced CPA as well as a proven bankruptcy lawyer, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of the bankruptcy laws to protect their assets and get successful results. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia website at