By the end of the year, more than 1.6 million people are expected to have filed for bankruptcy protection in 2010. Many of these consumers have been financially devastated by the recession and chose to start fresh in the new year by filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. While filing for bankruptcy provides debtors with relief from worry and debt, it is important to keep in mind that there may be small challenges in life after bankruptcy.
Those who chose to file for bankruptcy should find comfort in numbers. Not only is the bankruptcy rate the highest it has been since 2005, a wider range of individuals are choosing to file for bankruptcy protection. Many individuals filing for bankruptcy do not hold college degrees and earn less than $30,000 a year. However, this dynamic is quickly shifting. Last year, more than one-fifth of debtors filing for bankruptcy held a college degree, representing a 4.1 percentage-point increase from 2006. Also, according to the Institute for Financial Literacy, 9.1 percent of debtors seeking bankruptcy protection in 2009 earned more than $60,000. This is compared to 5.5 percent in 2006.
If you have any questions on this topic or are in need of a financial fresh start, please contact our experienced team of bankruptcy and foreclosure defense attorneys at (305) 285-9100. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. website at