Wage Garnishment

Can a Debt Collector Garnish Your Wages Without Telling You?

If you have fallen behind on credit card payments, you know first-hand the lengths creditors will go to collect on what you owe. One of these methods goes beyond incessant phone calls, letters, and text messages, it’s called wage garnishment. This is when a creditor is given legal permission to collect what is owed by deducting a portion of money from your paycheck before it reaches your bank account.

This can cause big issues with your finances, especially if it comes without warning. So, can debt collectors take your money without telling you, first?

The simple answer is no. The law dictates specific steps a creditor must take to be able to garnish a person’s wages to satisfy a debt. Without these protections, a creditor could simply take money out of the person’s bank account.

The wage garnishment process starts with the creditor or third-party debt collector filing a lawsuit to formally collect the debt. If this lawsuit is successful, the creditor or collector will receive a judgment against the creditor. This legal judgment gives the creditor the authority to then ask the court to issue a wage garnishment order, allowing them to satisfy the debt by garnishing the consumer’s wages. Once signed, this order is sent to the consumer’s employer to start the garnishment.

The good news is certain steps can be taken to stop a wage garnishment.

Filing for bankruptcy in Florida puts an automatic stay on wage garnishment, which immediately stops Florida wage garnishment. The automatic stay lasts for as long as the bankruptcy. With the automatic stay in place, you will be able to take home your entire paycheck.

One important thing to keep in mind is creditors can only garnish a certain percentage of the consumer’s paycheck. Federal law dictates that the amount garnished from a person’s wages cannot be more than 25 percent (25%) of his or her disposable income or the amount taken that by which the person’s take-home pay exceeds 30 times the federal minimum wage, whichever of these two figures is less.

One exception does exist when it comes to wage garnishments. Federal law dictates that the consumer’s wages, as well as his or her social security benefits, can be garnished to pay student loan debt and back taxes owed. The U.S. Department of Education and IRS are given authority under federal law to garnish the consumer’s wages without a court judgment or even filing the lawsuit. No official garnishment order is needed for either entity to garnish a person’s wages.

A person can take certain steps to stop a wage garnishment before it even starts. One thing a consumer can do is to work directly with the creditor to negotiate a payment plan to pay down the debt in lieu of a wage garnishment. Many times, creditors prefer this be done before the collection action is even initiated, saving them the legal fees associated with starting a legal proceeding. Payment plans also allow the consumer to set a reasonable amount for a monthly payment, one that will fit with his or her budget. Negotiating a payment plan once the garnishment order has been issued can be a little harder, so it is recommended this action be taken before that order is issued.

Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Bankruptcy

Why DIY Bankruptcy Might Not Be a Good Idea

Filing for bankruptcy yourself, or without an attorney, is known as filing bankruptcy “pro se”.  Representing yourself throughout the bankruptcy process is a risky decision and there are a number of pitfalls associated with the same.  Filing for bankruptcy has a complex set of rules, forms, statutes, and judicial decisions.

Some people choose to represent themselves because they think they cannot afford to hire a bankruptcy attorney, or they may think they have a simple case.  Whatever the reasoning, it is not a wise decision. Even the simplest bankruptcy case could soon become complicated, resulting in the filer’s case being dismissed or thrown out. Often it is worth the extra cost to hire a professional to assist the consumer in filing for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 consumer bankruptcy as it saves a lot of hassle in the long run.

Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Bankruptcy, Divorce

How Will a Bankruptcy Case Affect my Pending Divorce?

People will hold off on filing for bankruptcy for several reasons, especially if they are in the midst of a pending divorce case. The fear is that a bankruptcy case will affect the ability of the parties in a divorce case to divide their property. While a bankruptcy case will not affect a family law court’s ability to handle child custody and child support matters, the bankruptcy will prevent the court from finalizing a division of marital property.

Consumer Bankruptcy

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Filing for Bankruptcy

The decision to file for bankruptcy is never an easy one. It takes careful consideration and depends on a number of factors. Before making the decision to file for bankruptcy, ask yourself these questions.

Have All Other Options Been Exhausted?

Bankruptcy is not the only option when it comes to debt relief.  It often helps to first meet with a bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options. A budget is one tool a consumer can use to see what unnecessary expenses can be eliminated, freeing up additional funds to pay off debts. The consumer may also have luck in selling some of his or her assets to pay off various debts. Another option is for the consumer to reach out to his or her lenders to see if some type of payment plan or debt settlement can be reached on the debt.

The consumer may also consider credit counseling. This step should be taken even if the consumer is considering filing for bankruptcy since credit counseling, including a two-hour financial management course from a government-approved agency, must be completed at least 180 days before a bankruptcy discharge is issued.

Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Bankruptcy

When Should I File Bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a powerful legal tool that allows those in financial crisis to cancel debts such as medical debt, credit card debt, and unsecured personal loans.

As soon as a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case is filed, the consumer receives immediate protection from his or her creditors. This protection comes from the automatic stay that is issued by the court upon filing. The automatic stay puts a pause on all collection actions, including collection phone calls, legal proceedings to collect on a debt, wage garnishments, evictions, and foreclosures. The automatic stay also gives consumers a chance to breathe and work with the court and bankruptcy trustee.  

Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Bankruptcy

When Is Filing for Bankruptcy the Best Option?

Making the decision to file for bankruptcy is never an easy one. Many individuals hold off on filing for fear of what it will do to their credit or worse, fear of the unknown. For many consumers, taking that first step and initiating a bankruptcy case can be the best option for them. The key is deciding when to take that step.

The longer a person stays in debt, struggling to pay bills, defaulting on liabililities, the worse the financial damage will be.  Not to mention the emotional toll it takes.  By not taking action, a person can risk being sued by thier creditors or having their wages garnished. Credit card companies, creditors and even the IRS can take legal action to garnish your wages to pay off outstanding debt.

Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Bankruptcy

Will Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Prevent Vehicle Repossession?

When someone is behind on his or her car payments, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case may allow him or her to catch up on these missed car payments, saving the vehicle from repossession. The ability to do this depends on how far behind the borrower is on his or her payments and whether the loan is already in default.   

While a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case will not permanently prevent the person’s vehicle from ever being repossessed, it can provide the borrower a chance to catch up on missed payments or negotiate with the lender before the loan goes into default.  

Bankruptcy Law

What Happens When You File for Bankruptcy? 

The bankruptcy process is meant to give consumers who are struggling financially a fresh start. However, many consumers hold off due to the fear of filing for bankruptcy, even if it is the best option. Bankruptcy cases have both positive aspects, as well as negative ones, that go along with beginning and successfully finalizing a case. It is important to understand how a bankruptcy case works before moving forward with filing so that the person filing knows what to expect.  

Automatic Stay 

One of the most positive aspects of proceeding with a consumer bankruptcy case is the automatic stay that accompanies the filing. As soon as a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy case is initiated, an automatic stay of all collection efforts against the filer is issued. What this means is the consumer’s creditors are temporarily blocked from moving forward on collecting any outstanding debt. This stay also stops wage garnishments, foreclosures, or completion of legal collections cases. The purpose of the automatic stay is to give the consumer a chance to work with the bankruptcy trustee on determining how various debts should be handled. A creditor can file a request to continue collection even though an automatic stay has been issued, but they can only continue if the request is granted.