Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Tax Representation Firm JK Harris to file Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

The CEO of one of the nation’s largest tax representation firms, John K. Harris, has suspended all current operations at JK Harris and will reportedly file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Since October 2011, Harris has been attempting to restructure and possibly sell the business and two affiliates under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
Harris is calling the firm’s current state a “reorganization process.” By filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Harris is attempting to keep many of the company’s assets while reorganizing and restructuring JK Harris’ finances.
The company who made its name by marketing the slogan, “resolving taxpayer’s debt issues for pennies on the dollar,” has been in financial crisis after multiple client settlements, where plaintiffs claimed they had been misled by JK Harris. Harris’ firm has a countless number of former and current clients who claim to have paid large amounts in fees after being promised compensation and receiving little, if any, return.
To read more on this story visit:
If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, contact an experienced attorney who can advise you of all of your options. Our bankruptcy attorneys at Kingcade & Garcia can help families and individuals get the most out of Chapter 13 bankruptcy. We fully evaluate your financial situation, debt and income to make sure that Chapter 13 is your best option. Many people who come to our firm are surprised to discover that Chapter 13 may not be the right option, and that with the assistance of an experienced and qualified lawyer, they can be better served by Chapter 7’s debt elimination strategies. You can find more useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. website at

Foreclosures, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Bankruptcy Filings Down in 2011

According to recent statistics from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, bankruptcy cases filed in federal courts for fiscal year 2011 totaled 1,467,221, down 8 percent from the previous year. This was reflected in the filings of all bankruptcy chapters. Chapter 7 filings in 2011 were down 10 percent from 2010. Chapter 13 filings fell 4 percent. Chapter 11 filings fell 16 percent and Chapter 12 filings were down 4 percent.
Personal bankruptcies in South Florida fell in 2011, for the first time in five years. Attorney Timothy Kingcade attributes this to the backlog of foreclosures and under-employment. Many homeowners facing foreclosure have been able to put off bankruptcy as the lenders dealt with investigations of robo-signing and other issues stalling foreclosures in court. Filing for personal bankruptcy in South Florida can cost $2,000 or more, including lawyer’s fees, court costs, and mandatory credit counseling. With the number of South Floridians being out of work, filing for bankruptcy has become a luxury.
In December, 2,470 residents filed for bankruptcy in the South Florida district, which includes Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties, according to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Miami. That was down 9 percent from November. For the year, there were 34,492 filings, down from about 38,000 in 2010.
To read more on this story visit:,0,5953361.story
If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced attorney who can advise you of all of your options. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. website at

Bankruptcy Law, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Beware of taking Cash Advances before Filing Bankruptcy

It’s important to remember that not all debt is dischargeable in bankruptcy. Almost all credit card debts are dischargeable, but when it comes to cash advances ‘The Bankruptcy Code’ provides that any cash advance, or combination of cash advances totaling more than $875 obtained within 70 days of the bankruptcy filing date are presumed to be non-dischargeable.
This rule, contained in Bankruptcy Code section 523(a)(2)(C)(i)(II), was imposed by Congress because it felt that consumers who obtained significant cash advances relatively close to their filing date knew, or should have known that they would be seeking bankruptcy relief. It was also designed to prevent consumers from running out and taking cash advances shortly before filing bankruptcy with no intention of paying on the debt.
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy and have recently taken out a large cash advance, it’s important you discuss this with an experienced bankruptcy attorney which can advise you of all your of options. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. website at

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Study Reveals a Growing Number of College Grads filing for Bankruptcy Protection

A new study done by the Institute for Financial Literacy reveals an increasing number of college graduates are filing for bankruptcy, challenging the notions that an advanced education is almost a guarantee for economic success. In 2006, degree holders accounted for 11.2 percent of bankruptcy protection filers, the study found. By 2010, their proportion rose to 13.6 percent.
Similar trends were observed for holders of two-year associate degrees and graduate degrees. In contrast, high school diploma holders or college dropouts logged a decline in bankruptcy protection applications. Data from the Department of Education showed that before students even leave their university some of them are already defaulting on their student loans. For the fiscal year that ended on Sept 30, 2010, student loan defaults went up to 8.8 percent from 7 percent the previous year. It comes as no surprise that there is a strong link between student default rates and joblessness rates.
To read more on the story visit:
If you are in a financial crisis and are considering filing bankruptcy, contact an experienced attorney who can advise you of all of your options. Since 1996 Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. has been helping people from all walks of life build a better tomorrow. Our attorneys’ help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. website at

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

What Debt is Dischargeable through Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy laws specify that only particular types of debts can be discharged through bankruptcy. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy allow borrowers to eliminate their unsecured debts. Unsecured debts include items such as credit card debt, medical bills, utility bills, service bills, personal loans, payday loans and judgments. Secured debts which are backed by some form of collateral, like a house, and debts incurred through fraudulent activity, student loans, tax debts, child support and alimony are typically not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

When you hire Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. our attorneys will provide a complete evaluation and give you an honest and accurate assessment of your financial circumstances. We help clients analyze their finances and determine the best path to debt relief. This past year our firm handled more than 1,500 bankruptcy cases, bringing debt relief to individuals, families and business owners throughout South Florida. If you are struggling with insurmountable debt do not wait any longer, set up your FREE office consultation today by calling (305) 285-9100. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. website at

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Florida consumers carry 3rd highest debt in country

Over the past few months, we have heard a lot about Americans tightening their financial belts and using extra income to pay down debts. And for some, the post-holiday period is about paying off those Christmas bills. However, new numbers released by Equifax show that many consumers, especially those in Florida, are still carrying high credit card balances.

Equifax monitors credit throughout the country. The group’s recently released numbers indicate that consumers in Florida, California and Texas are maintaining higher credit card debt levels and people in other parts of the country. While these states face some of the toughest budget issues in the nation, so do their individual residents.

According to Equifax, Florida residents have $47.6 billion of collective credit card debt. This is the third highest total in the country. California ranks highest with $90.6 billion in debt, and Texas is number two with $48.8 billion in credit card debt. These states still have “a lot of debt to tackle,” as one senior vice president at Equifax put it.

Many individuals would like to pay down their credit card debt, but it seems that each month brings new financial challenges that stand in the day of reducing debt. When credit card debt becomes overwhelming, chapter 7 bankruptcy may be a good debt relief option. In this form of debt, consumers who cannot meet their financial obligations have an opportunity to discharge unsecured debt such as credit card bills.

CreditNet, “Many Americans still face serious credit card debt problems,” Thomas Astery, 28 Jan 2011

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Facing Challenges After Bankruptcy

By the end of the year, more than 1.6 million people are expected to have filed for bankruptcy protection in 2010. Many of these consumers have been financially devastated by the recession and chose to start fresh in the new year by filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. While filing for bankruptcy provides debtors with relief from worry and debt, it is important to keep in mind that there may be small challenges in life after bankruptcy.
Those who chose to file for bankruptcy should find comfort in numbers. Not only is the bankruptcy rate the highest it has been since 2005, a wider range of individuals are choosing to file for bankruptcy protection. Many individuals filing for bankruptcy do not hold college degrees and earn less than $30,000 a year. However, this dynamic is quickly shifting. Last year, more than one-fifth of debtors filing for bankruptcy held a college degree, representing a 4.1 percentage-point increase from 2006. Also, according to the Institute for Financial Literacy, 9.1 percent of debtors seeking bankruptcy protection in 2009 earned more than $60,000. This is compared to 5.5 percent in 2006.
If you have any questions on this topic or are in need of a financial fresh start, please contact our experienced team of bankruptcy and foreclosure defense attorneys at (305) 285-9100. The day you hire our firm, we will contact your creditors to stop the harassment. You can also find useful consumer information on the Kingcade & Garcia, P.A. website at