Using a credit card for certain purchases doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but problems arise when these purchases pile up and the account holder is not able to pay off the statement balance every month. Successfully utilizing the credit card’s grace period, can help avoid this.
What Is a Grace Period?
The grace period is the time an account holder’s credit card billing period ends and when the payment is due, as indicated on the statement. It is during this period that the account holder will not be charged interest on any purchases made during the billing cycle so long as he or she pays the balance in full by the due date.
Benefits of Grace Periods
A card’s grace period can allow for the cardholder to make a large purchase interest free. If the consumer makes the purchase right after the closing date of a current billing cycle, he or she can leverage the grace period to avoid interest charges.
Word of Caution
One word of caution should be issued when it comes to grace periods. Not all credit cards offer them. It is important the cardholder review the fine print for the account to make sure that the grace period exists and for how long.
Can a Grace Period Be Lost?
If the account holder is not careful, he or she could lose a grace period. One misconception is if the person carries even a small balance from one billing cycle to the next cycle, the cardholder will lose the grace period. However, many cards offer initial terms that include zero percent APRs on purchases so long as they make these purchases within the period offered, which is normally 12 to 18 months. Even if the cardholder loses the grace period, many cards will reinstate it if the cardholder pays the card’s outstanding balance in full for two straight months.
Can a Grace Period Be Extended?
Sometimes it is possible to extend a grace period. Many companies will change the card’s due date if requested and push the due date back can allow the cardholder extra time. Not all cardholders will allow for it, but it does not hurt to ask if this is a possibility.
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