student loan debt

A Divorce May Not Free You from your Ex-Spouse’s Student Loan Debt

Most people assume that when they get a divorce, they will walk away free and clear from their spouse’s student loan debt. After all, it was the spouse who incurred the debt, so why should the other spouse be on the hook for this debt? Unfortunately, a divorce decree may not be enough to free someone from their ex-spouse’s student loan debt.

One reason a person might find themself responsible for their ex-spouse’s student loan debt has to do with joint consolidation. This federal program was short-lived, but many people took advantage of it while it was available. In fact, nearly 14,000 student loan borrowers participated in the joint consolidation program, which Congress ended in 2006. Joint consolidation allowed married couples to take their separate student loan debts and combine them into one monthly payment with a lower interest rate. However, once these debts are combined, it can be difficult to separate them in the event of a divorce.