Credit Card Debt, Debt Relief, Medical Debt

How to Handle Debt in Retirement

For many Americans, including those entering retirement, being in debt is a way of life. According to numbers published by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, four in every 10 retirees report getting out of debt as a top priority. Many of them are struggling to the point where bankruptcy is their only way out. In fact, the Consumer Bankruptcy Project reports that one in every seven bankruptcy filers is over the age of 65.

One of the reasons why seniors are struggling financially has to do with living on a fixed income. All it takes is for one medical crisis to strike to set them back significantly in their financial goals. The hopes of entering retirement debt free can be difficult for those carrying large amounts of credit card debt and student loan debt. It also does not help that larger companies cut back or even took away pensions for American workers who pinned their hopes of retirement on these plans.