student loan debt, Student Loans

Do You Qualify for Student Loan Relief?

The subject of student loan debt has become a major topic of political discourse. While lawmakers have called for widespread student loan relief, a number of loan forgiveness programs have existed for several years.

One public method of student loan forgiveness is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program (PSLF), although this program has come under fire in recent years. PSLF was created in 2007 with the purpose of helping borrowers working in nonprofit and governmental roles following graduation. If the borrower was able to pay consistently on his or her debt while working in a qualifying nonprofit or government job for ten years, making a total of 120 payments), the remaining debt would be forgiven.

student loan debt, Student Loans

Dispelling Myths about Private Student Loans and Bankruptcy

Federal student loans often are not enough to cover the costs of attending a university. Many times, student borrowers need to seek additional sources of funding, including private student loans, to pay for the costs not covered by their federal student loans. Borrowers often operate under the misconception that, like federal student loans, these private loans are also not dischargeable in bankruptcy. In fact, many misconceptions exist surrounding private student loans and how they are handled in a consumer bankruptcy case.

One of the biggest of these misconceptions is that private student loans can be discharged in a bankruptcy case. While student loans are harder to discharge in bankruptcy, it is not impossible. With federal student loans, the bankruptcy filer must start a separate adversary proceeding where he or she needs to prove that paying these debts would present an undue hardship. However, private student loans are not always subject to this extra step in a bankruptcy case.

Legal Awards

Miami Bankruptcy Attorney Timothy S. Kingcade Named a Florida Super Lawyer 9 Consecutive Years

MIAMI (June 24, 2022)– Managing Shareholder, Timothy S. Kingcade of the Miami-based bankruptcy and foreclosure defense law firm of Kingcade Garcia McMaken has been selected to the 2022 Florida Super Lawyers list. This is the ninth consecutive year Kingcade has been selected to the Florida Super Lawyers list (2014-2022) in the practice area of consumer bankruptcy. The recognition is awarded to only the top 5% of attorneys in the state.

Attorney Kingcade practices exclusively in the field of bankruptcy law, handling Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filings for the Southern District of Florida.  As an experienced CPA and proven bankruptcy attorney, Timothy Kingcade knows how to help clients take full advantage of their rights under the bankruptcy laws to restart, rebuild and recover.

Consumer Bankruptcy, Tax Debt

Does Bankruptcy Eliminate Tax Debt?

By the time an individual reaches the point of filing for bankruptcy, he or she is likely inundated with all types of consumer debt, ranging from medical debt to credit card debt and possibly, tax debt. While a consumer bankruptcy case will eliminate a large portion of this debt, tax debt is not normally included in this list.

Taxes fall into the category of “non-dischargeable priority debt,” which means that the bankruptcy case will not eliminate them. Additionally, repayment of these claims is given priority over other creditors’ claims. However, circumstances do exist where tax debt can be discharged with a bankruptcy filing, but certain requirements must exist before that can happen.

Debt Collection

The Best Way to Dispute a Debt and Win

Consumers facing debt collection often mistakenly assume that they have no choice but to pay the debt they are facing. This is in large part due to the communications they may be receiving from the debt collector. Debt collectors only receive payment from the original creditor when the consumer pays on the debt owed, which is why they will say and do anything possible to get the consumer to make payment. However, consumers do not always realize that they have the right to dispute a debt.

Successfully disputing a debt can be an intimidating concept, but it is possible to dispute the debt and win so long as the consumer knows what to say and what to ask when communicating with them.

Bankruptcy Law

What Debts Are Not Erased in Bankruptcy?

Not all debts can be discharged in a consumer bankruptcy case under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. These debts will remain with the consumer even at the successful close of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy case.  While these debts may remain with the consumer, many of his or her other consumer debts will not. The goal is that with the discharge of other debts, the consumer will have extra money to be able to pay down these non-dischargeable debts.

For the most part, the consumer debts that are discharged include credit card debt, medical bills, past utility bills, personal loans and in some cases student loan debt. Many of these non-dischargeable debts cannot be eliminated due to public policy interests, such as child support.

Lawyers in the News, Legal Awards


MIAMI – (May 24, 2022) The Miami-based bankruptcy law firm of Kingcade Garcia McMaken  has earned the esteemed designation of being named to the Kev’s Best5 Best Bankruptcy Attorneys in Miami.”

“It is an honor to have received this award,” said Timothy S. Kingcade, Managing Partner of Kingcade Garcia McMaken. “Being recognized for the quality of our work reinforces the commitment we make each and every day to our clients.”

Debt Collection

What Consumers Need to Know About Debt Collection Rules ‘Regulation F’

Several new debt collection rules have been announced by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). These rules, through what is called Regulation F, offer greater control to consumers over the various method and times they will be able to be contacted by debt collectors.

Regulation F was implemented by the CFPB on October 30, 2020, and December 18, 2020. The regulation was created to interpret the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The FDCPA is meant to protect consumers from abusive collection tactics by third-party debt collectors. Regulation F officially went into effect on November 30, 2021. The FDCPA and the regulations included in Regulation F apply only to third-party debt collectors and not original creditors.

COVID-19, Foreclosure Defense, Foreclosures

Foreclosure Filings are up 132 Percent from 2021

The number of foreclosure filings is up by more than 132 percent when compared to 2021. According to statistics from Black Knight, the number of active foreclosure cases involving homes that have begun the foreclosure process on a seriously delinquent loan, went up by over than 7,000 cases in March 2022. This increase is the first one seen in a year-to-year comparison in over 10 years.

Additionally, more than 78,000 U.S. properties had a foreclosure filing during the first quarter of 2022. This figure is 39 percent higher from the previous quarter and 132 percent more when compared to one year ago, according to figures from ATTOM. Black Knight also reports that the number of serious mortgage delinquencies, mortgages that are 90 days or more past due, are 70 percent higher than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020.

Debt Collection, Debt Consolidation, Debt Settlement

Can Settling a Debt Harm Your Credit?

Escaping debt can be a long, arduous process. Many times, consumers find success in working with the creditor directly on settling the total amount owed, satisfying the debt by paying an amount that is much smaller than what was originally owed. While debt settlement can lift the burden carrying a large amount of debt places on a consumer, it also comes with its negative attributes, as well. In fact, according to new reports, debt settlement can actually end up harming a consumer’s credit score more than it helps.

A debt settlement can lower a person’s credit score by 100 points or more, according to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. It can take up to seven years to recover from that negative hit.