As student loan debt in America continues to grow, college graduates continue to have trouble finding jobs and paying off their debt. Instead, many graduates are enrolling in further schooling, which is deferring their repayment but deepening their debt. Student loan debt has now reached the $1 trillion mark, surpassing auto-loan and credit card debt.
This year, the average amount of student loan debt per borrower averaged about $25,000, that’s a 25% increase from 10 years ago. However, it is not just young adults suffering from student loan debt. A recent study revealed that the baby boomer generation (60+ years) owes about $36 billion in student loans. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported that about one-third of student loan payments are at least 30 days delinquent, nationwide. Not to mention, since new bankruptcy laws in 2005 were passed, the majority of student loan debts are unable to be discharged through bankruptcy.
President Obama has openly voiced his concern about the student loan debt crisis, proposing many ideas before Congress to aid struggling borrowers. Although Obama has shown his concern, he still promotes the importance of a higher education. Many Republican candidates find his ideas about modifying student loan repayment, creating ways to make repayment easier, and student loans in general to be a burden to the government. Former Senator, Rick Santorum announced his belief that rather than promote higher education and utilization of student loan programs, the focus should be on promoting blue collar jobs that do not require a college education.
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