Bankruptcy Law, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Debt Relief

A Tidal Wave of Bankruptcies Expected in the Coming Months

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues, many small businesses are filing for bankruptcy to help reorganize their debt and keep creditors at bay. The types of companies being affected include small mom and pop shops, as well as larger corporations.  Hertz and J. Crew, recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and the number of businesses following suit are expected to rise.

According to Edward I. Altman, the man responsible for creating the Z score, a figure that is used to predict business failures, the year 2020 is expected to set a record for ‘mega bankruptcies,’ meaning businesses with $1 billion or more in debt will be filing for bankruptcy protection. The effects of this could be devastating to the U.S. economy.

Bankruptcy Law, COVID-19, Debt Relief, Small Business Bankruptcy

How to Handle Business Bankruptcy in the Aftermath of the Coronavirus

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has hit South Florida businesses hard. Many small businesses have struggled to survive the shutdowns and drop in revenue, while others are pursuing bankruptcy as a means of remaining in operation while receiving financial assistance. For businesses who wish to make it through this time of crisis, help is available.

It has been reported that the number of businesses that filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy increased by 26 percent from the previous year, even though overall bankruptcy filings were down. These numbers are expected to continue to increase over the summer months as businesses begin to reopen.

Credit Card Debt, Debt Relief

Tips for Conquering High-Interest Debt

Being saddled with debt is a stressful experience, but paying it down can be even more difficult, especially if that debt has a high interest rate. It helps to identify and prioritize these debts.

Of the types of high-interest debts, credit card debt is arguably the most common and most expensive to pay down. One reason credit card debt can be so hard to escape is the fact that it is revolving. What this means is the consumer has access to a continuing stream of credit, which can make it tempting to continue adding to the outstanding balance owed. In fact, there is nothing preventing the consumer from adding more to the debt until he or she reaches the credit limit.

Debt Relief, student loan debt, Student Loans

President Trump Vetoes Student Loan Forgiveness Bill

A recent move by President Trump has student loan borrowers, as well as Veteran’s and Consumer groups, concerned and disheartened after he sided with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and vetoed the bipartisan Borrower Defense to Repayment legislation.

The Borrower Defense to Repayment program is a student loan forgiveness program that was created during the Obama administration as part of an effort to provide debt relief for students who were taken advantage of by predatory colleges and for-profit universities.  Many of the borrowers who fell prey to these predatory tactics were veterans.

Credit Card Debt, Debt Collection, Debt Relief

How to Continue Paying Debt While Unemployed During COVID-19

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused countless Americans to lose their jobs. More than 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment in the wake of the outbreak. Paying for basic expenses can be difficult enough but paying down debt while unemployed can seem impossible.

However, with proper planning and by taking advantage of opportunities available during this time, it can make things a little easier. The first step is to evaluate all expenses coming out monthly and create a budget to see what payments can be made. Additionally, the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) provides some relief, as well, that can make this process easier.

Coronavirus, COVID-19, Debt Relief

How to Avoid a Big Tax Hit on Coronavirus Unemployment Benefits

Man fills in Unemployment benefits application form.

A record 33 million American workers are currently collecting unemployment benefits amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. And with these benefits come the inevitable tax repercussions. Here are some ways to lessen the impact.

Unemployment benefits received through the state, as well as the $600 coming from the CARES Act, provided by the federal government through July 31, are all considered taxable income. While Social Security and Medicare costs do not come out of unemployment benefits immediately like they do with normal paychecks, the recipient will be taxed by both the state and federal government. This can result in the person winding up paying in the long run when it comes to tax season if he or she has not paid enough tax throughout the year. However, this little “surprise” can be avoided by taking a few extra steps when receiving unemployment benefits.

Coronavirus, COVID-19, Credit Card Debt, Debt Relief

Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Now Carrying Credit Card Debt Amid Pandemic

Credit card debt has dramatically increased since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, according to recent data from Their data reports that 120 million U.S. consumers, or 47 percent of all consumers, had credit card debt as of April 2020, which is a 43 percent increase from March.

Millennials were hit the hardest with 34 percent of them reporting that they used credit regularly. Experian, one of the three main credit reporting agencies, reported in March that U.S. consumer debt reached a staggering $14.1 trillion with credit cards making up $829 billion of this debt. This level is the highest seen since the Great Recession.

Bankruptcy Law, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Debt Relief

How Has the Coronavirus Affected Bankruptcy Filings?

Even though unemployment filings have skyrocketed, and countless businesses have been struggling during the coronavirus pandemic, bankruptcy courts have not been flooded with new cases- yet.

When compared to bankruptcy filings in April 2019, there were 47 percent fewer consumer bankruptcy filings in April 2020, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI).

Coronavirus, COVID-19, Credit Card Debt, Debt Relief

Simplified Rules for Paying Down Debt

When it comes to paying down debt, the process can seem daunting if not impossible. During COVID-19, many Americans are being forced to take a different approach when it comes to their finances. With the uncertainty of how long this pandemic will last and how it will affect the nation’s economy, many are concerned how to manage their existing debt while trying not to incur new debt.

One good rule of thumb is to look at the debt that is costing you the most in the long run. How is this “cost” determined? The interest rate on the debt is often a good predictor of whether a debt will end up taking longer to pay off and will end up costing someone more when the debt is eventually paid in full.

Bankruptcy Law, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Debt Relief

Coronavirus and the Changes it has had to the U.S. Bankruptcy Code

The coronavirus pandemic has affected our country in so many ways. It has also affected the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, specifically through the recently passed $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

Within the CARES Act were revisions to parts of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, meant to help small businesses and consumers during this difficult time. The CARES Act amended the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (SBRA), which temporarily increased the debt threshold for filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy relief. The debt threshold increased from $2,725,625 to $7,500,000. After one year, the threshold will go back down to the original amount.