Bankruptcy Law, Debt Relief

How to Protect Your Home in Bankruptcy

When facing the possibility of filing for bankruptcy, whether it be Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the thought of losing your home can be frightening. In fact, losing one’s home can be one of the biggest concerns holding someone back from filing for bankruptcy. The lawyers at Kingcade Garcia McMaken work hard to protect people from losing their assets in a bankruptcy case, including the filer’s home.

Automatic Stay

One of the first protections filers receive when proceeding with any type of bankruptcy case is the automatic stay. The automatic stay keeps creditors from continuing any collections actions, and it immediately goes into effect after the bankruptcy petition is filed.


Facing Foreclosure? Here’s When You Actually Have to Move Out in Florida.

When someone receives a foreclosure notice, the first thought that often comes to that person’s mind is the fear of losing their home. A foreclosure notice does not mean that someone is automatically out of his or her home. As a homeowner in Florida, you have rights. It is important that any person in this situation understands clearly what those rights are.

Understanding the Timing

A notice of foreclosure does not mean that it will happen immediately. The homeowner has the legal right to remain in the home until the lender successfully completes all foreclosure procedures and sells the home, which can take several months, depending on the circumstances involved.

Bankruptcy Law, student loan debt, Student Loans

Bankruptcy: Finally An Option for Student Loan Debt?

Student loan debt is at an all-time high with 44 million Americans carrying outstanding amounts of the debt. It is currently estimated that $1.5 trillion is owed in student loan debt. With that many people graduating with student loans, it should come as no surprise that many of these borrowers eventually default.

Approximately 11 percent of student loan borrowers have defaulted or were delinquent on their loans by the end of 2018. For the most part, consumer debt, including credit card and medical debt, can be discharged in a bankruptcy case. Only a very select list of debt is not allowed to be discharged at the end of a bankruptcy case, including child support, alimony, criminal fines and certain overdue tax debt.

Bankruptcy Law, Credit

Tips for Renting an Apartment After Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy gives individuals a financial fresh start, relieving the stress of debt and collection calls.  However, declaring bankruptcy can add some additional obstacles to the apartment- hunting process, but not to worry: You can rent an apartment after declaring bankruptcy.  It comes down to the application process, and we have some important tips for you.

Honesty Is the Best Policy.

It can be tempting to want to hide the fact that you recently filed for bankruptcy, but unless the apartment or rental home is a property that does not require a credit check for rental applications, this fact will be discovered quickly. The last thing an applicant wants is for the landlord to find this out after the fact before the renter has any chance to explain the situation. If a bankruptcy is on the individual’s history, it is best to be upfront from the beginning. Honesty is the best policy.

Credit Card Debt, Debt Relief

How to Protect Your Wages from Credit Card Companies

A credit card company can garnish a person’s wages following a successful judgment, which is why it is important to not ignore collection attempts. While it can be hard to fight wage garnishment after it is entered, consumers do have options to protect themselves in the event this does occur.

Settling the Debt

One of the best ways to avoid a wage garnishment is to work directly with the credit card company or debt collector. Many times, the company may be willing to work with the consumer rather than go through the effort and spend the legal fees to take them to court.

They may require the consumer provide some type of proof that his or her financial situation is solid enough to handle the settlement amount. If the debt is large, they may require some type of security to ensure payment will occur.

Bankruptcy Law, Debt Relief

The Biggest Violations Made by Debt Collectors

Debt collectors can be persistent to the point of becoming threatening or intimidating. However, this does not mean consumers are without rights. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects consumers from unfair debt collection practices by third-party debt collectors. The law provides when debt collectors can contact individuals, what information they can provide to third parties, and other protections.

In 2018, the Federal Trade Commission received a total of 84,500 complaints regarding debt collectors. The following violations are the most common offenses made by debt collectors.

  1. Failure to Provide Written Verification of the Debt.

Any person who is contacted regarding a debt has the right to get written verification of the amount owed. Under the FDCPA, the debt collector must send written verification of the debt within five days after making initial contact. In that communication, the debt collector needs to provide the amount owed, the name of the original creditor, and information regarding how the individual can dispute the debt. However, many debt collectors fail to follow through on this requirement. Alternatively, many consumers are not aware they have the right to request this information.

Credit Card Debt, Debt Relief

When Can a Credit Card Company Garnish Your Wages?

When someone is facing a credit card collection action, the last thing that person wants is to have his or her wages garnished by the credit card company. However, credit card companies do have the right to garnish a cardholder’s wages, just like any other creditor.

Before credit card debt can be collected, it must be considered delinquent.  At the time a person gets a credit card, he or she enters into an agreement to make monthly payments. If these payments are not made on time, that contract is considered broken and the debt delinquent. Once this happens, the credit card company is within its right to collect on the debt. Normally, missing a credit card payment results in a significant interest rate hike, but if the debt goes unpaid for too long, the credit card company can file a legal action to collection on the debt.

This step is where garnishment comes into play. Credit card companies cannot garnish the cardholder’s wages without first filing a legal complaint to collect on the debt and serving the complaint on the cardholder. The accountholder has a chance to respond to the complaint and file an answer within a set period of time. If he or she does not respond, the credit card company can obtain a default judgment against the cardholder, speeding up the process. However, if the cardholder does respond, the credit card company must prove that the debt is owed at a hearing before a judge.

student loan debt, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Teachers Sue U.S. Over Student Loans that Were Not Forgiven

The American Federation of Teachers has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education on behalf of educators who argue that they have been wrongfully denied loan forgiveness under the federal public service loan forgiveness program.

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program was created more than a decade ago to encourage young graduates to seek employment in a government job or in public service industries. While the pay in these types of jobs tends to be lower, the promise of having their federal student loans forgiven at the end of a ten-year period was created to entice them to apply for these positions.

Under the program, borrowers who work in certain public service professions, including law enforcement, nursing, and teaching, and who make payments consistently for ten years, can have their federal loans forgiven. It is estimated that more than one million borrowers have filed official paperwork to participate in the program. However, many of these borrowers are finding out that they suddenly do not qualify for forgiveness for one reason or another, including not carrying the correct type of loan.

Bankruptcy Law

Converting a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to a Chapter 7

On occasion, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case may need to be converted to a Chapter 7 case. This transition may be on the request of the individual filer or the bankruptcy court. Many bankruptcy filers will decide to convert their Chapter 13 case into a Chapter 7 case in the event their financial situations have changed after the initial filing, or if the filer had originally chosen to pursue a Chapter 13 case to protect property that no longer needs protection.

The Conversion Process

Florida bankruptcy courts have specific guidelines that must be followed for converting a case from Chapter 13 to Chapter 7.  Unless the filer has already received a Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge within the most recent eight years, he or she should be able to convert a Chapter 13 case into a Chapter 7 at any time.

Bankruptcy Law

Understanding the Bankruptcy Process: How to File & the Qualifications

Filing for bankruptcy can be an emotional and sometimes stressful process. However, enlisting the help of an experienced bankruptcy attorney can make the process painless and worry-free.  Many clients have little understanding about what is involved when they file for bankruptcy.  Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding where a judge and bankruptcy trustee review the financial situation of individuals or businesses who are not able to pay their financial obligations and discharge qualifying debts that they are no longer able to pay.

The Purpose of Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is meant to give an individual a fresh financial start, allowing that person to wipe the slate clean. It also serves as a way to give the filer some sense of relief through the protection of the automatic stay, which means creditors are prohibited from continuing collection actions against the filer. This allows the person time to regroup, protect valuable assets and work with the bankruptcy trustee to handle their debts.