Debt Relief

‘Debt Crushing’ a Top Priority in 2020

Becoming debt-free is a popular resolution in the New Year. As people are coming off the holidays, they often have larger credit card bills coming due. Approximately 7 in 10 people have at least one credit card.  More than half of the cardholders already in debt were willing to put gifts and holiday expenditures on credit cards, according to

Snowball or avalanche method

What is the best way to pay down debt?

The snowball method involves looking at all your debts and picking the one with the smallest balance. Ignore the interest rate and type of debt. Choose the smallest amount and put all your resources into paying that off. While doing so, keep up with the minimum payments on all your other debts. The theory is that aggressively attacking the smallest amount will allow the individual to see immediate results, which then kicks motivation into high gear.

Bankruptcy Law, Debt Relief

Tips to Help Keep to Your New Year’s Debt Resolutions

Some of the most common New Year’s resolutions involve losing weight, improving one’s health, learning a new skill or hobby, and getting organized. Another common New Year’s resolution is paying down debt and improving one’s financial health, whether that means creating and sticking to a budget or getting out of debt completely.

Here are some tips to help you keep your New Year’s debt resolutions:

student loan debt

The Student Borrower’s Bankruptcy Relief Act Would Make It Easier to Wipe Out Student Loan Debt in Bankruptcy

Discharging student loan debt in a bankruptcy case has been an almost impossible feat for most filers. That is, unless they are able to meet the undue hardship requirements.  However, a new bill named the Student Borrower’s Relief Act of 2019 could potentially remove those roadblocks that have prevented borrowers from receiving relief in the past.

Bankruptcy offers the filer a fresh start where the individual can rid himself or herself of financial burdens that have been weighing him or her down for years. These debts normally include unsecured debt, including credit cards, personal loans or medical bills. However, if the bulk of the person’s debt is student loans, the filer would normally end up in the same situation even after the bankruptcy was over. While medical debt and credit card debt may have been discharged, the borrower would end up still carrying a large amount of debt. It is for this reason that many borrowers might avoid bankruptcy, seeing it as a no-win situation.

Bankruptcy Law

Steps for Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Florida

If someone is considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the path that person needs to take may not always be clear. While everyone’s situation differs in some respects, certain steps must be taken when it comes to proceeding with Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Review Your Financial Situation

Before proceeding, it is always recommended that the filer sit down with an experienced bankruptcy attorney and go over what types of debt the person has, as well as what property would be protected by Florida’s bankruptcy exemptions.

Debt Relief, student loan debt, Student Loans

Recent Court Decision Sheds Light on the Deceptive Practices of Student Loan Service Providers

A recent Seventh Circuit court ruling is providing hope to many student loan borrowers who are finding themselves in a difficult financial situation due to the heavy burden of their debt. The Seventh Circuit has ruled that a student loan servicer may be liable for damages caused as a result of their promises to advise student loan borrowers on how to handle their financial situations, directing them into plans that only benefit the lenders and hurt borrowers in the long run.

The case at the center of it all is Nelson v. Great Lakes Higher Education,  which was a case brought by student borrower, Nicole Nelson. Nelson paid for her college education through federal student loans, which she began repaying in 2009. However, she soon found herself in a tough situation when her income dropped due to a job change two years later.

Bankruptcy Law, student loan debt

Betsy DeVos Faces Possible Jail Time for Failing to Forgive Student Loan Debt

Department of Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, has been under fire for her failure to forgive student loans for more than 150,000 student loan borrowers. These borrowers have filed a lawsuit against both DeVos and the Department of Education, alleging they are being deprived of student loan forgiveness they have earned through the borrower defense.

DeVos has been accused of continuing to pressure former students of one of these institutions, Corinthian Colleges, Inc., to continue to pay their student loan debts. These same students say they were promised that their student loan debts would be forgiven under the borrower defense.

student loan debt, Student Loans

Be on the Look-Out for These Student Loan Scams

More than 40 million borrowers are carrying an estimated $1.5 trillion in student loan debt. With that many individuals carrying student loan debt, it should come as no surprise that many scams are out there, hoping to take advantage of borrowers who are desperate to get out of debt quickly. Borrowers need to be aware of these debt relief scams in particular, which are now facing investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Student Loan Debt Elimination Scams

Many companies are out there offering the promise of eliminating student loan debt for borrowers who are desperate for a way out. However, if someone is offering a deal that sounds too good to be true, that is usually because it is, in fact, too good to be true. Many companies will promise to wipe away a person’s loans when they have no actual ability to do so. The fact of the matter is no one can promise student loan forgiveness or cancellation. Student loan borrowers can only ever receive forgiveness if they meet very specific conditions, and the fastest any borrower can receive loan forgiveness is five years. Even these forgiveness programs can be very difficult in terms of qualifications.

If the borrower has federal student loans, it should be noted that no student loan debt relief company can negotiate directly with the federal government to obtain lower rates on those loans. If a company promises the ability to negotiate a lower payment, this can normally only be done via an income-drive repayment plan, but most of these can be applied for directly by the borrower, not a third-party entity.

Debt Relief, Medical Debt

Medical Debt Cited as a Leading Factor in U.S. Mortgage Denial

Approximately a quarter of homebuyers and renters carrying personal debt were denied approval for either a mortgage or lease, according to Zillow’s recent report on Consumer Housing Trends. It was reported that medical debt had the most impact on homebuyer’s budgets and whether they would qualify for a mortgage.

While student loan debt has been reported as being a major factor keeping many younger people from purchasing a home, it turns out medical debt is an even bigger factor.

According to Zillow, medical debts are more likely than any other type of debt to keep American consumers from either purchasing or renting a new home. They conducted a survey which showed that 38 percent of people who owe money for medical or healthcare expenses say they were turned down for renting a home or taking out a mortgage due to those debts. According to Zillow, this group represented the largest rate of rejection- more than any other kind of debt, including credit cards and student loans.

Bankruptcy Law

What are the Credit Counseling Requirements in Bankruptcy?

Whenever a person files for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, he or she must submit proof that a credit counseling course from a nonprofit credit counseling agency was successfully completed. The purpose of this course is to help the filer determine whether he or she can pay his or her debt outside of bankruptcy and provide proper financial guidance to prevent an additional bankruptcy filing in the future.

What Is Required?

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), all bankruptcy filers must take an approved credit counseling course prior to filing. The U.S. Department of Justice’s U.S. Trustee Program keeps a list of approved programs if filers are not sure where to go. Proof of completing a program must be submitted before the bankruptcy case can proceed further. In fact, this proof must be submitted within 180 days prior to filing for bankruptcy. The filer will normally walk away from the credit counseling program with a repayment plan, if a plan is realistic, although nothing in the FTC rules requires the filer to follow that specific plan.

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Credit Card Debt

Steps to Remove Judgments and Collections from your Credit Report

Every consumer should review his or her credit report at least once a year to confirm that there are no inaccuracies.  Lenders look to a person’s credit score to determine whether he or she is a lending risk. The lower the score, the harder it will be for that person to obtain financing.  It can also affect the interest rate on the loan.

Certain actions, such as a judgment against the consumer or a collections action, can negatively impact a person’s credit score. However, if a consumer does have judgments or collections actions on his or her report, it is possible to have this information removed.