Consumer Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Filings Fall to Levels Not Seen Since 1985

Bankruptcy filings have fallen to levels not seen since the mid-1980’s. The low number of filings are credited to the government aid and stimulus checks issued since the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to statistics from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, 462,309 individuals and companies filed for bankruptcy in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, which is a 32 percent decrease from the previous year. The office also noted that this figure was the lowest one reported for a 12-month period since 1985.

Personal bankruptcy filings decreased 33 percent to approximately 444,000 over the course of a year. Business filings similarly declined, although by a lower percentage. Business bankruptcy cases dropped by 17 percent to approximately 22,500 filings.

Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Bankruptcy

Understanding the Ins and Outs of Bankruptcy

The thought of filing for bankruptcy can conjure up all kinds of emotions. For many, all they know of bankruptcy is what they have heard from others or seen on television advertisements. However, the following information can be helpful in terms of understanding the ins and outs of consumer bankruptcy.

Types of Consumer Bankruptcy.

If a consumer is considering filing for bankruptcy, he or she has two options available. These options are based on the specific chapters within the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The first option is called Chapter 7 bankruptcy, often referred to as a liquidation bankruptcy. A Chapter 7 case tends to take only several months to complete and involve the filer working with the bankruptcy trustee to sell nonexempt assets and pay off qualifying debts. At the end of the case, the remaining consumer debts held by the filer are discharged. However, to qualify for filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the filer needs to be below a certain income threshold per the bankruptcy court’s means test.

The other option is Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which takes three-to-five years to complete and involves the filer working with the bankruptcy trustee to complete a structured repayment plan on the consumer’s debts. Chapter 13 cases, since they take longer, do cost more in terms of legal fees.

Credit Card Debt

Three Credit Card Mistakes To Avoid

A credit card can be a useful tool when it comes to improving a consumer’s credit score or financing large purchases. However, when credit card spending gets out of hand, it can be easy for that balance to grow out of control. The following tips can be helpful for consumers using credit cards to pay for daily expenses.

Avoid Maxing Out Credit Cards

Most credit cards come with a maximum spending limit, and while it can be tempting to rely on that figure when making credit card purchases, it is important that consumers avoid reaching that maximum amount. One reason for avoiding this is a maxed-out credit card can reflect negatively on a consumer’s credit score. If a consumer uses more than 30 percent of his or her available credit, his or her credit score will be reduced. This reduction occurs because credit utilization ratios are considered by credit reporting agencies when calculating a person’s credit score. Many credit cards also tack on fees to the person’s balance if he or she goes over the card’s limit.

Foreclosure Defense, Foreclosures

Wave of Foreclosures and Evictions Expected as Federal Moratoriums Expire

The federal moratorium on foreclosures and evictions officially expired over the weekend, leaving the legal system braced for an impending wave of filings. To offset the wave of foreclosure and eviction filings which will no doubt be on the way, lawyers and courts are finding creative solutions to the problem.  

The eviction moratorium was put into place as a way to help tenants and homeowners who were left with no income due to the coronavirus causing widespread shutdowns across the country.

President Biden has pushed on Congress to approve a one-month extension for all residential evictions. However, at this time, no federal congressional action has been taken to extend the moratorium. 

Consumer Bankruptcy

Fear Holds Many People Back from Ever Filing Bankruptcy

There are many people who can benefit from bankruptcy, but put off filing due to fear and the myths surrounding bankruptcy. Bankruptcy offers consumers a fresh financial start and relief from the burden of debt, but for many, it is the fear of the unknown that holds them back from ever taking the first step. Every year, only a small portion of consumers who could benefit from bankruptcy actually move forward with starting a case.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, approximately 14 percent (14%) of U.S. households or nearly 17 million consumers owe more than they own. While most of these individuals could benefit from bankruptcy, less than one percent (1%) of them file for bankruptcy annually. In 2020, there were only 752,160 personal bankruptcies filed. 


Experts Warn of New Foreclosure Crisis in South Florida

With the federal moratorium on evictions and foreclosures set to expire, housing experts are predicting a new foreclosure crisis in South Florida.

The crisis began for many last year as COVID-19 forced thousands of Floridians out of jobs. It was not until April 2020 when the Trump Administration and many states hit the pause on all foreclosure and eviction proceedings on federally backed loans. States and the federal government extended these moratoriums throughout 2020 and into 2021. These extensions allowed individuals to remain in their homes and postpone the foreclosure process. 

Consumer Bankruptcy

Post-COVID Debt Continues to Grow as Bankruptcy Filings Fall in 2021

Financial analysts had predicted a bankruptcy surge following the COVID-19 pandemic. Courts were closed for the majority of 2020, but as they began to reopen, it was believed that a massive wave of bankruptcy filings would follow. Oddly enough, that surge never came, and the number of consumer bankruptcy filings continue to drop.

According to figures from the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI), 181,000 bankruptcy cases were filed in the U.S. by May 2021, which is 29 percent lower than the number of cases filed by that time in 2020. As many people were forced out of jobs or laid off with businesses temporarily or even permanently closing, consumers are continuing to rely on credit cards to cover expenses.

Bankruptcy Law, Consumer Bankruptcy

The Three Most Common Fears People Have When Filing for Bankruptcy

The fear of losing everything is a very real concern for those contemplating bankruptcy. However, this is one of the most common bankruptcy myths, and can keep individuals who are drowning in debt from obtaining a fresh financial start.

To make the bankruptcy process a little easier to understand, we have dispelled the top three fears people have when filing for bankruptcy.

Debt Collection

How Federal Laws Protect You When Dealing with Debt Collectors

Dealing with debt collectors can be stressful. Their job is to get the consumer to pay on a debt at any means necessary, which can often mean through coercion, harassment, and fear. Many debt collectors have been known to use aggressive or illegal tactics to collect on a debt, leaving many consumers to feel like they have no choice but to make payment to get them to go away. However, federal law offers certain protections when it comes to debt collectors. It is important that consumers understand what these protections are so that they are aware of what rights they do have when dealing with debt collectors.

According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), nearly one in every four people have a debt in collections. Illegal debt collection practice is a common complaint made to the CFPB.  

Debt Relief

What is Debt Relief and When Should I Seek It?

Debt can seem like an insurmountable burden, impossible to escape once a consumer has gotten too far in. Different options are available for dealing with credit card debt, student loan debt, and other consumer debts.  

Many times, consumers find themselves overwhelmed with several different types of debt in differing amounts.