Debt Collection, Debt Relief

What Rights Do Consumers Have When it Comes to Debt?

When someone is in debt, he or she may feel trapped with nowhere to turn. According to Northwestern Mutual’s 2018 Planning & Progress Study, the average American consumer has $38,000 in debt, not including their mortgage.

As soon as creditors or debt collectors begin contacting the consumer regarding what he or she owes, the person may feel like he or she has no choice but to do whatever is being demanded of him or her. However, most consumers do not realize that they do, in fact, have rights when it comes to debt they owe. It helps to know what these rights are when debt collectors or creditors come calling.

Debt Collection, Debt Relief

Tips for Getting Your Debt Out of Collections

Getting out of debt can seem like a never-ending battle. Once someone falls behind on one or more bill payments, the debt collector calls can be relentless. The late fees and penalties that are often assessed on past-due accounts, not to mention the interest rate spikes that come along with missing a payment, can make getting back on one’s feet nearly impossible. There are certain steps that can help consumers who are facing these types of situations get out of debt and stay out.

Remain Calm.

It can be easy to react out of stress or panic and make decisions that someone would not normally have made, especially when dealing with debt collectors. It is important that whatever decisions are made by the consumer are ones that are carefully considered and logical. Many consumers may react out of fear and enter into payment agreements that they would not normally agree with and cannot realistically afford just to get the debt collector to back down. The aggressive techniques used by many debt collectors have this motive in mind. Make sure you understand and get the terms in writing, first. Never agree immediately to a payment arrangement over the phone with a debt collector.

Debt Collection, Debt Relief

The Adverse Effects Debt Has on Mental Health

Carrying any amount of debt can be stressful, but when an individual is carrying a sizeable amount of debt, the effect that debt has on the individual’s well-being can be detrimental. According to a 2017 study published by the Journal of Consumer Research, the likelihood that an individual struggling to handle his or her debt will end up with a mental health issue is three times higher when compared to someone who does not have debt.

One major reason someone struggling with debt may suffer emotionally has a lot to do with the fact that most people keep their feelings regarding debt to themselves and internalize the problem. However, the problem is, keeping these emotional struggles to oneself will only lead to more stress on that person’s mental health, leading to even worse problems, including depression and anxiety.

Debt Relief

How Consumers Can Resolve Their Debts with the IRS

Tax season is not always a happy time for everyone. While many consumers look forward to filing their tax returns to obtain their tax refunds, others are left with balances they owe to the IRS in the form of tax debt.  The good news is relief options are available when dealing with the IRS.

Tax debt relief is available to individuals who owe the IRS money but are not able to pay on their debts. If a taxpayer anticipates having to pay any amount in taxes, it is important that he or she first determines how much that amount will be. It is best to first file your taxes to determine what the amount owed will be.

student loan debt, Student Loans

Entering Retirement with Student Loan Debt

An alarming number of Americans are entering retirement with student loan debt. Normally, student loan borrowers are between the ages of 18 to 39. However, a 2017 report issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, showed that people over the age of 60 are the fastest-growing sector of the U.S. population carrying student loan debt.

More than 2.8 million Americans over the age of 60 are carrying some type of student loan debt. This figure has skyrocketed from the 700,000 individuals reported in 2005. Between 2012 and 2017, the balance carried by people over the age of 60 nearly doubled from $12,100 in 2012 to $23,500 in 2017.

Credit Card Debt, Debt Relief

Debt Among Older Americans Reaches Record High Levels

American seniors have seen their debt levels increase significantly over the past two decades.  It is estimated that the total debt load carried by American consumers over the age of 70 years old increased by 543% between 1999 and 2019. It now stands at a record high of $1.1 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Individuals who were in their 60s saw their debt increase by 471%, bringing their total debt load to $2.14 trillion. Seniors were not the only group who saw large increases in their debt, but these two age groups saw the largest increases.

Debt Relief, Medical Debt

How Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing Could Trigger Medical Debt

The coronavirus has many people worrying about what will happen if they contract the virus. Now that the virus has spread to parts of the U.S., Americans are concerned about whether they should get tested for the coronavirus if they experience flu-like symptoms. Since this virus is relatively new and not completely understood, its testing may not be covered by private health insurance. Out-of-pocket medical costs can cost patients thousands of dollars, if the testing is not covered under their health insurance plan.

Florida businessman, Osmel Martinez Azcue reported experiencing flu-like symptoms after he returned from a trip to China in January. When he began experiencing the symptoms, Azcue went to the hospital to be tested for the virus. One of the tests he was offered at the hospital was a CT scan, which is one of the best methods used to detect the virus. He first went with the simple flu test to rule out the possibility that he was suffering from the common flu, which fortunately is what it turned out to be.  For him, the CT scan was not necessary.

Bankruptcy Law, Credit, Credit Card Debt, Timothy Kingcade Posts

Top Reason Americans Are Carrying an Average Credit Card Balance of Over $6,200

Credit card debt is a burden for many consumers. Most have a complicated relationship with their credit cards. On one hand, disciplined and modest use of a credit card to make certain purchases can help establish a good credit score. On the other hand, if the balance on a credit card is not paid in full each month, and on time, the balance can quickly spiral out of control.

According a recent study by CompareCards, American consumers are carrying an all-time high of $1.1 trillion in credit card and other types of revolving debt. This figure is up nearly 20 percent from where it was just ten years ago.

Credit Card Debt, Debt Collection, Debt Relief

U.S. Cities Seeing the Highest Increase in Millennial Debt

Consumer debt is increasing nationwide, affecting individuals in all types of economic and sociographic groups. However, millennials seem to be the generation hit the hardest. In fact, millennials living in certain U.S. cities are hurting the most when it comes to their debt, according to a recent study from LendingTree.

LendingTree found that individuals in the millennial generation, born between the years 1981 and 1996, carried large amounts of auto debt, as well as student loan debt. These two categories made up the biggest portion of non-mortgage debt carried by millennial consumers.

student loan debt, Student Loans

Keep Our Graduates Working Act Gathers Support in Florida

A new piece of legislation has been introduced in the Florida State Senate which would protect the professional licenses of student loan borrowers from being suspended or revoked in the event they fall into default on their loan obligations.

The measure is Senate Bill 356, also known as the “Keep Our Graduates Working Act.” The bill expressly prohibits a state authority from suspending or revoking an individual’s professional license, registration, permit or certificate due to the person falling into delinquency or default on his or her student loan obligations.